Can you tell us your name and what you do and tell the readers how we know each other?

uncommon Danny

I am a fashion creative, specialising in fashion styling, brand consultation and designing under the name ‘TheUNCOMMONPupil’ I don’t remember exactly when we first met but definitely through the industry, Sean Azeez put me on to you and what you’re doing so it would’ve been him who indirectly introduced us.

What does an average day look like for you under lockdown? 

Everyday is always different for me, so that’s one thing that hasn’t changed during lockdown. I would say things have stayed the same except I have not been styling in person and I have had delays when it has come to things such as design production.  


 How are you remaining creative/maintaining your creative output?

 I think the main thing that is helping me maintain some sort of creative output is planning for a bigger end goal and remembering that things will not stay like this. At the moment I have writing treatment for a music video I plan on shooting next month.

What would be your advice to other creatives, struggling to maintain creativity and motivation in isolation?

 Take a break, I like to take breaks and work on different things at once. I find it helps myself creatively as it detaches myself from my the work and enables me to critique it. I find it can be hard to reflect on your own ideas so a break is always necessary. I love coming back to something I started or did in the past with a fresh outlook.

What are you missing most about the outside world?  

 Socialising and visiting new places

What’s the first thing you hope to do when quarantine is over?


What are you reading and/or listening to? 

 At the moment I’ve been cycling on my cruiser bike around west London listening to bLAck pARty & Anderson .Paak. I’ve also found myself revisiting old music that I was listening to 10 years ago like Chiddy Bang, it’s nice that I can enjoy those records just as much now as I did then.

Are there any aspects of the lockdown that you would like to continue in the future?  

 Cycling, I never would’ve taken the time to cycle to places if it wasn’t for the pandemic. I am very much someone who takes the tube or Uber everywhere and due to avoiding those forms of transport my bike and electric scooter have been my best friends.

Where can people see more of your work and can interact with you?

Instagram @uncommonDanny and @theuncommonpupil



Danny Walker.Com

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