LOCKDOWN INTERVIEW :HOWEYDON,Content Creator/Fashion Model

Content Creator/Fashion Model
Can you tell us your name and what you do and tell the readers how we know each other?

I am Howey Ejegi, known as Howeydon on social media, I am a content creator and fashion model. I also own a boutique agency Kreativedon that look after content and digital marketing for emerging brands in the fashion and lifestyle space. We met at London Fashion week mens June 2017. 

What does an average day look like for you under lockdown?

 I wake up at 8 in the morning, go through my morning rituals, which includes prayers, catch up on social media. I then go for a 5K run or workout at home with my son. We look through his school work, I catch up on emails and then its time to get creative and do some work whilst trying to avoid as much procrastination as possible.   

How are you remaining creative/maintaining your creative output?

I create content for my socials daily, my son has inspired me a lot during these times, so we have been creating a lot of content together. With so much going on in the world right now, putting in my thoughts and sending a message through my content allows me to remain creative. I created a powerful BLACK LIVES MATTER video with my son, and it went viral for all the right reasons with an unbelievable amount of shares. I have also had the extra time to engage more with my audience through starting great conversations on my Instagram stories.

What would be your advice to other creatives, struggling to maintain creativity and motivation in isolation?

Honestly, don’t force it if you don’t feel like it, However if you are lost for ideas and inspiration, think of the WHY, you do what you do, and the value it provides to yourself and the people it serves. At the beginning of lockdown I had zero inspiration, I took my time and my own advice, now I am back on track it feels great. 

What are you missing most about the outside world?   

Socialising with my friends and window shopping. 

What’s the first thing you hope to do when quarantine is over?

Go furniture Shopping, I moved to my new house during the quarantine and desperately need furniture. Haha

What are you reading or listening to? 

Currently as I type this, John Legend’s new album Bigger Love

Are there any aspects of the lockdown that you would like to continue in the future?

Working from home, virtual meetings and events.

 Where can people see more of your work and can interact with you?

Blog: www.howeydon.com

Instagram: @howeydon

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