UNCOMMON DANNY is an upcoming designer based in London, England, we sat down for an interview for his upcoming collection for his label THE UNCOMMON PUPIL

So tell us how did you come up with the name THE UNCOMMON PUPIL?
The UNCOMMON Pupil was originally a book I created to document the style of young creatives. Those I documented were still learning and upcoming in their field and had very unique style – which is how the name was born.
The book also featured fashion editorials, which I used to create graphics that would later be put onto merch as a means of promotion.
Now I treat THE UNCOMMON PUPIL as more of a name I design under, hence why I say “not a clothing brand, not streetwear”

Could you talk more on that?
“Not a clothing brand, not streetwear”? I see clothing brands as something that is mass produced and done with the intention of selling, my designs are pieces that are made to exist in a space with the intention of showcasing my ideas. They are definitely not being mass produced in some factory. I am very hands on with everything I do, I finish each garment by hand-sewing a blue “TUP” label and I work with a very small team that I’ve managed to curate. You can see the thought and idea that’s gone into each piece, from the cut of the fabric to the screen printed graphics.
Walk me through your creative process?

I don’t have a specific creative process, I think I just cater to the needs of whatever I’m making. I do however make sure that if I’m in my studio working then others can only join if they are also working or contributing to the creative process.
Can you tell me about some of the new pieces you’ve been designing?
The new stuff I’ve been designing is essentially an exploration of some of my favourite things – oversized hoodies, shirts and tees. The pieces are cut & sew and are really just my take on everyday items.
The shirts are cropped and boxy with contrasting stripe patterns. One of the hoodies uses the reverse of the fabric meaning the loopback is on the outside and the screen printed graphics are made by myself on my laptop from photos I’ve shot.

Which of your current designs is your favourite?
It changes all the time but right now it’s the hoodie I mentioned before that uses the reverse of the fabric.
Where do you look for creative inspiration when designing or creating?
My friends and I go outside a lot which is the best thing to do. Most people will scroll on instagram to get inspired and that’s whack. Also I think I just get an idea and become obsessed with it until it is executed.

How did you transform from being a stylist to becoming a fashion designer?
I didn’t transform, I’ve been designing since I was a teenager. I would consider myself more of a creative than a fashion designer though. I still style, the best part about designing the pieces is being able to style them and seeing how others incorporate them into their own wardrobes.
What is the future of THE UNCOMMON PUPIL, what are things looking like in 2-3 years time?
I don’t know – let’s see
What advice would you give to aspiring young designers?
Anytime you create anything and there are other people involved (whether it’s a seamstress or a screen printer) you will have your stuff fucked up at some point, it is inevitable. It also happens an unbelievable amount but do not let it get you down and do not let it stop you from being where you need to be.

Article Images
Photographer Elspeth Vincent @elspeth.vincent
Clothing THE UNCOMMON PUPIL @theuncommonpupil
Creative Direction Uncommon Danny @uncommondanny
Photographer Aaron Walker @aaronpaulwalker_
Model Andre (Nevs) @andre_nero / Jude (Nevs) @judeleeke / Winona O’Dell @winonaodell